4 Ways To Delay The Aging Process Mitochondria are essential for healthy aging. Not only do they generate around 90 percent of all energy produced in our body, they also...
Benefits of Creatine: How This Supplement Works For More Than Athletic Performance Creatine is a natural supplement used to boost athletic performance.[1] Studies show that it can increase muscle mass, strength...
How To Protect Yourself From EMF If you’ve heard anything about EMFs (electromagnetic fields), the information probably falls into one of two camps: EMFs are harmful and will give you...
9 Ways to Extend Your Lifespan & Healthspan The amount of time we live is called lifespan. The length of time that a person is healthy and functional—not just alive—is...
How Late Night Eating Affects Your Sleep Is late night snacking unhealthy for you? Eating before bed and eating late at night — a large dinner or something small to...
The Dangers of Fatty Liver and How to Heal It Fatty liver is a dangerous yet misunderstood disease. In America, it affects 90 million of us and 17% of our...