Hair Loss :: Beyond Genetics Conventional wisdom teaches us to accept our fate when it comes to hair loss. “Runs in the family,” or “It’s just part of getting older,”...
Hair Loss :: Beyond Genetics Conventional wisdom teaches us to accept our fate when it comes to hair loss. “Runs in the family,” or “It’s just part of getting older,”...
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) FAQs Read answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for hair loss. Schedule a consult What is PRP? Platelet...
Hairskeen Hair Replacement Reviews - Columbus, Ohio We wanted to share a few testimonials from some of our recent Hairskeen clients. We love to give credit where credit is due,...
ULTRASONIC SKIN SCRUBBER ENHANCEMENT How does the skin scrubber work? The skin scrubber utilizes ultrasound technology to gently exfoliate the skin, clearing away dead skin cells and impurities. Ultrasonic waves...
A Guide To Eye Health If you’ve ever been diagnosed with an eye condition such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, or myopia, an ophthalmologist may have told you that all you...
What Is Autoimmune Disease, And How To Treat And Prevent It? The incidence of autoimmune disease has skyrocketed over the past 50 years. Today, a shocking one in five Americans...
Benefits of Creatine: How This Supplement Works For More Than Athletic Performance Creatine is a natural supplement used to boost athletic performance.[1] Studies show that it can increase muscle mass, strength...
Tired of Planks? Sharpen your Ab Workout with ‘Body Saws’ The best abs exercises are ones that work more than just one part of your abdominal muscles. Yes, there are...